This website is a tribute to Singer, Songwriter Steve Perry and his amazing career with Journey and as a solo artist.

An Interview With Christopher Ameruoso
Louise: What was your inspiration for the book and why did you decide to do a book like this?
Chris: I
always wanted to do a tribute to Elvis. Being in the photography field I
had many celebrities talk about Elvis on the photo shoots I was doing
with them. I realized just how important Elvis was and how powerful and
impact he had on every talent.
Louise: How did you choose the celebrities in the book, did you go to them or did they come to you?
Chris: We
started with a list of people that we really wanted to be in the book.
But as we started and word got out about 'Shades of Elvis' talent
started to contact us and express interest in being featured in the
book. It took on a life of its own.
Louise: How long did it take to complete the project?
Chris: It
took just about two full years. There are over 80 photo shoots in this
book and that is a lot of time. When you think how long it takes to make
a movie with only a few talents you can imagine trying to arrange over
75 talents.
Louise: In 2006 you started a magazine PAWS, tell me how that came about and do you support any rescue animals or shelters now?
Chris: I
started Paw Print magazine in 2006 I wanted to get a fun cool new hip
magazine out there for the cool pet owner. We ran for a couple of years
but I had to stop publishing the magazine as it was a lot of work. We
hope to maybe get that up and running again one day. As for groups that I
support. There are many but the main group I like working with is Last
Chance for Animals. they are a great organization.
Louise: I understand you have a Dragon Lizard named Elvis, tell me about him.
Chris: Our
Bearded dragon Elvis we rescued from a reptile shop that boards peoples
reptiles when they go out of town. He was left there by his owner and
never picked up. So my wife Daniela and I asked if we could adopted him.
After our second trip to the shop they let us take him. He is a great
creature and he is now very comfortable in a beautiful enclosure. He
gets to sit and look at the window all day. At night he goes back in his
tank and is very happy. So glad he is in our lives.
Louise: Were you always an Elvis fan?
Chris: I
was always an Elvis fan. All growing up. My mother Mary Jean Ameruoso
introduced Elvis and his music to me at a very young age and he was a
soundtrack to my life growing up. Elvis' music has always been a part of
my life and will always be.
Louise: What made you decide to do this book now, at this time?
Chris: It
was time for me to take this idea and tribute and bring it to life.
After I met Priscilla when we did a photo shoot together we became
friends and I told her of this idea. She thought it was unique and hip
and agreed to let me do this and be part of it as well.
A little about working with Steve Perry:
Louise: Describe Steve in one word.
Chris: Amazing, Charming, Genuine (That is 3 words:) )
Louise: Did you approach Steve to do the shoot and if so how?
Chris: As
like all talent I reached out to Steve about being part of this book.
You always have to go the proper channels to get to talent as I did with
most everyone in the book.
Louise: Whose idea was it to wrap the mic cord around his neck, yours or his?
Chris: It
just fell into place. While we where doing the shoot. We tried many
different poses but this was very dramatic and is a favorite of mine. It
symbolizes a lot to me and others can read it for what they see as
Louise: How did you meet Steve Perry?
Chris: As
I mentioned I went through the proper channels to set up the shoot. We
met that way as I did with all the talents. Steve was just a true
genuine gentleman and great to work with.
Louise: Was he easy to work with?
Chris: He
was very easy to work with and a true professional. Each shoot was this
way. This was a tribute to someone that people admired so for talent to
be wearing Elvis' shades was an opening for a fun easy shoot.
Louise: You've won several awards, tell me about them.
Chris: Yes
this past year I was honored with a couple of different awards for my
work with animal awareness issues. Last Chance for Animals honored me as
the Onyx & Breezy foundation. I was very flattered and humbled by
Louise: Who is the most famous celebrity you have shot?
Chris: It
would not be the most famous it would be the most exciting for me. But
that is a hard thing to answer. As most of the talent I work with I'm a
fan of. Of course there are people that you grow up with and have been a
part of the soundtrack for your life like Robert Plant, Steven Tyler,
Steve Perry, Eddie Van Halen etc. so yes it is very exciting to meet and
work with these amazing talents.
Louise: Is there someone you would love to shoot but haven't yet and who is it?
Chris: I think there are a few people that I would like to photograph. A couple of names would be: Bono, Paul McCartney, Jimmy Page.
Louise: Is your website the only place you can purchase your book right now?
Chris: Yes 'Shades of Elvis' is only available through
this was the best way for us to get the book worldwide. There are not
many book stores left and most people do shop online. So this was a
better way for us to distribute the book.
Thank you for your time.