This website is a tribute to Singer, Songwriter Steve Perry and his amazing career with Journey and as a solo artist.

Steve Perry Answers YOUR Questions 2011!
January 21, 2011
Dear Faithful Fans,
Just a small note to thank you for all the Questions ..........All the questions that were sent in were placed in a fish bowl and were drawn at random. Of the questions I answered, I will place your names into a hat and I will draw 3. Those 3 will later receive a personalized gift from me ............ In addition to the great questions, thanks for all the wonderful messages of love and support. Thanks again.......... Love ............
Steve Perry
1) Your singing has always conveyed a variety of emotions and, like many other great singers, you were able to touch the listener's heart. Who and/or what do you think shaped your ability to draw upon these emotions and transfer them to the listener? - Dan Well first of all thanks Dan for those kind words........I can only say that the singers I loved growing up were from another era that was all about being able to sing with emotion.........Like..........Marvin Gaye -Sam Cooke -Aretha Franklin -Nat Cole -Andy Williams -Gladys Knight -Barbra Streisand -Robert Plant - and also I was a huge Motown fan so Smokey Robinson -Stevie Wonder -Four Tops - and I was also a closet Supremes fan, too..........There are so many that I can't put them all down............When I was a kid, I'd be running around the house singing little versions of some of the above artists' Hits..........
2) My son loves movies (especially the music part) and his favorite composer is John Williams. He wanted to who your favorite composer is. - Jeanne I have a few............Alan Sylvestri -James Newton Howard -Thomas Newman - I recently got to meet and hang with Michael Giacchino during the finishing of the Film "UP." He is amazing.......
3) I wanted to ask if you have a favorite Christmas memory you would be willing to share with us. - Brenda The Holidays can certainly be challenging since the family that raised me have all passed on. I guess the main reason is because of those memories and how we spent our time together............I really miss the amazing table that my grandmother would set. I mean........ she would make the most delicious food I've ever had and sitting around that table, all of us together, is my fondest memory..........I still miss them all terribly!!!
4) What's one of your favorite traditions that you do year-after-year? - Lori My grandmother would make her famous Onion-Clam dip that to this day, I make every Holiday year and with a bag of Ruffles -I mack the whole thing......... In many ways it's a memory I can have today...... from a long time ago.
5) When I feel blue and worn out I get strength from listening to music or power-walking, often combined. What do you do when you need to regain your strength or just clear your mind? - Anna-Lena Well lately I've been stressing and not really taking the time I should to re-charge. I guess I really need to get back into walking too cause that -with my ear phones- is the best way to Zone out and feel good about life again.........It's so easy to forget to do that............Thanks Anna for reminding me that I need to do that!
6) When you were a kid, did you collect anything? Like baseball cards, comic books, marbles, record albums? - Sassie Steelies {as they were called then} were my favorites........I also liked cat eyes..........If I walk into a furniture store today and see marbles in a vase, I think of how much I still love them..........I also started buying 45 RPM's at a very young age.........I have a pretty rare collection of some of my old original 45's in my Juke Box.........."Baby I Need Your Lovin" by the Four Tops is one of my fave plays...........I can hear Levi singing Now........ "Some say, It's a sign of weakness, For a man to beg......Then weak I would rather be, If it means having you to keep, Cause lately I've been losing sleep." I love those lyrics and melody only then to be followed by a Killer chorus- .............Holland-Dozier-Holland............AMAZING WRITERS !!!!
7) Do you think you will ever put out a Christmas album? That is one I would love to hear! - Linda I have thought about it many times but so many artists have done that every year and there are a lot of versions being played everywhere. I think a quiet Jazz version with just vocals -piano-bass and drums could be a nice fireside musical direction. {along with a string quartet in a couple of tunes could be nice too} Very Low key ....So that... as you're listening to it, you'll be able to see –lights -a fireplace –eggnog -as you're smelling pine needles and cinnamon.
8) I read in your interview with AOR Magazine in the UK that you have 50 songs worth of material written. Can we expect a new CD any time soon? A new CD would make a lot of hearts sing. - Vicki I do have many demo sketches and many ready for recording....... It's just getting my butt into the studio that's the problem. I have a love/hate relationship with the recording process.......... I like some of the demos as they are and at the same time I know what they could be so.......It's fish or cut bait time for me......... I really would love to release some new music cause.......... Time is marching on................ If ya know what I mean................
9) Name an artist or band that you like that you think would really surprise people? - Marita I love........ IMOGEN HEAP- KEANE- LIQUID MIND {Chuck Wild}- THE WHITE STRIPES- SARA McLACHLAN to name a few.
10) Do you have an official account on Facebook, Myspace or any of the social networks? - Allyson I'm really glad you asked that question..........the answer is......."NO".........I'm not on any of those sites and never have been...... So if you see any one acting as if they are me ..........It's just that............ACTING AS IF..........IT'S NOT ME......... I'm also a very private person and have a personal life that I wish to continue to have..........If I talk about my personal life........ I will no longer have one........AGAIN...........thanks for asking that Question...........
11) If all members could work it out, would you consider a "One-Time Finale" pay-per-view concert with Journey? (like Led Zeppelin performed a few years back) - Greg I think that ........In the years that we've been apart...... it's become fairly clear that we shouldn't be together.
12) Which artist(s) has the most songs in your iPod? - Dawn I have so many songs from everyone I like in my iPod. When I buy music I kinda go off.
13) What is your favourite thing to cook? I like to cook Halibut..........I do it in the oven with spices floating in a red wine vinegar sauce and bake it at 350 then I put chopped tomatoes on the top of each filet with parmesan and brown and serve. YUM !!!!!!!!
14) I feel music and art should be kept in schools, especially the early years. I can still remember the songs we sang in first grade. My first solo then was "Tweet Said The Little Bird," a classic in it's time. What was yours? - Cathy I was in a Barber Shop Quartet when I was 7 and we would perform for the Chamber of Commerce and other city functions. I remember the harmonies more than the songs...........They were really Cool.......
15) I'm only 15 and I listen to Journey and your solo work constantly, even before Glee came on air. Do you find it interesting that the "youngsters" are listening to you and Journey without a family or media influence? - Jessi I honestly find it to be one of the most wonderful things that has happen in my life..........To think that a whole new generation is getting into music I've been involved in is very gratifying for me..............It makes me very happy.............
16) Your Giants beat my Braves in the 1st Round of the MLB Postseason, and, if that wasn't enough, went on to win the World Series. My question is this: How do you sleep at night? - Dilip I should feel bad, Huh? It's very selfish of me get a good night's sleep after what the Giants did to your Braves, Huh? You are right ! ! !............I will stay up for One week ! ! ! .........NO SLEEP ! ! !.....That will be my punishment for my insensitivity to your Pain ! ! ! Thanks for a nice Good Morning laugh........
17) You are a great inspiration to many people - many a young talent has stated that you were their reason for wanting to sing. What inspires you? You know I must say..... hearing that I inspire many people still shocks me........ I still feel like I'm this Farm kid from the Central Valley of California that wants to be a singer when he grows up ...........I know that sounds nuts..........but there is a side of me that still feels that way.................. What inspires me is the idea that there are only so many notes and somehow music keeps re-inventing itself through a desire to stay fresh and different……..To play in the same waters of musical choice, which every one through time has played in............Is a very exciting thing.
18) You always looked so cool, calm and collected on stage. Did you or do you suffer from stage fright? - Valerie OMG..........did you say Cool - Calm and Collected?..........WELL..............Have you ever seen a duck slowly making its way across a large lake so smooth and Calm? Well what ya don't see is..........Under the water .......Those little duck feet are going real fast to make the outside look Cool - Calm and Collected.............All kidding aside.........I always had stage fright just before I would go on...... then once I was on..........It was like..........Going to another place that I can't find anywhere else........ except in front of an audience...........It was a Magic Place ..........
19) In this era of the 'techno' sound, auto tune, etc do you think music (especially rock) will ever again revert to turning out music relying on talented song writing and vocals? Can it recover its credibility and break away from the boring sameness that permeates the airways? - Gene WOW............A Very killer question.................Technology is a tool but it has played a big part in lowering the bar of talent required to make music and as a result.... some music - not all - but some.... is all the same due to vocal auto tuners and recording techniques that end up making the music sound very similar. Individuality of music is subject to the individual uniqueness in our diversity............ When everyone buys the same Plug-ins and uses the same computer music programs..........Music doesn't have a chance to be unique.................... I think using technology as a TOOL to capture real human emotion is the best way to use technology.......... Not as a career building Life Raft...........
20) As a 15 year old, I have been inspired and amazed at the talent you and Journey possess. Has there been a fan that you have encountered whom you will never forget? - Danielle I think I just met one that I won't forget..........thank you for your kind and inspiring words...... I kinda live in my own private word and don't hear those words as much as you would again..........Thanks for letting me know that you feel the emotion in the music..... Someone else feeling the music that was recorded back then........was what I was reaching for.... ! ! !
21) It was great watching the images of you at the Giants playoff games, the World Series & the Victory Parade. You looked like you were having a blast! I've read that you've been a Giants fan for many years. Have you ever caught a fly/foul ball while at a game? If so, do you still have it? - Larry Yes........I have pushed and shoved with the rest for foul balls and so far have got a total of 3 since June of 2002 which is when I started going to Pac Bell Park........{now ATT Park} I never keep them..........I'll tell you a little secret........{If you promise to not tell}.........Before every game.........I look around my seat and find the little girl and boy who is the most dressed up in Giants colors and commit to myself that If I get a foul ball today I will give it to one of those kids............So when it happens I toss it to 'em and their faces light up like the Fourth of July............They sometimes come over and ask me to sign it..............{I know you won't tell anybody about our little foul ball Baseball secret}
22) What are your thoughts about the Glee soundtrack album with cover versions of songs outselling new music and having passed The Beatles for the most Top 40 singles (75 vs 71)? - Brian WOW.........I didn't really know about that statistic..........Well I think the show has introduced to a whole new generation a treasure chest of songs from many, many great writers and artists ........... I mean .........Where could a younger generation hear or see a Burt Bacharach and Hal David song being performed these days except on Glee? So ......... I must say........ I think great song writing has been a large contributing factor in the show's success............. It's kinda become more than a TV show.............It's a social comment and at the same time - It's a new Classic Radio.
23) Do you believe that we are born with our lives path already written for us? - Mary Great question...........Let me think about this ............................................................... Well I can certainly see a golden thread of coincidences that have led me to the life I have now. So are they coincidences? One may never know................ But that being said............. I've heard it said ......."God can move mountains......But don't forget your shovel." So it still takes commitment and work to reach for and navigate ones hopes and dreams.
24) Name 3 vocal performances by someone else that have made you say, "How did he/she/they do that?!?!" - Dan "Nessun Dorma" by Franco Corelli..............."It's A Man's Man's Man's World" by James Brown............... I'm trying to think of a third but can't right now..........
25) Back when you were just starting out, you and The Sullies played in the Battle of Bands at the Calaveras County Fair and won. The prize was that promoter Bill Graham would get you a gig at the legendary Fillmore in San Francisco. Did you ever get that gig and what was it like playing at the Fillmore? - Pat Yes .....after we won the battle of the bands.....we traveled up to San Francisco and went to meet Bill Graham and set up our equipment at the Fillmore for our big gig. I remember Bill being in his little office and told him that we were the winners of the Frog Jumping Jubilee battle of the bands and came to play tonight........... He first looked confused then said........"Oh Yea.........bring your equipment in and set it over there. The sound check is at 4 o'clock"....... We were very excited. Later that night we dressed in our Naru jackets and were ready............. We opened for..........Big Brother and the Holding Company and The Steve Miller Blues Band.............OMG............ At that time we had a few original tunes in our set but most of the set were R&B rock covers......... The Sullies were a great Band..........WE SOULFULLY ROCKED IT !!!!!!!!! The crowd DUG US !!! WE WERE JAZZED !!!!! Then Janis Joplin stepped on stage with the Holding Company and Tore it UP!! She was great!!!!! Then Steve Miller and Boz Scaggs {who was in the band at that time} came out and sang all my favorites off the first LP. I really wanted to get into the music Biz after that.......That gig helped me chase after my music dreams of being an artist someday.........Years later ........I brought my youthful Fillmore Bill Graham moment up to Bill Graham when Journey was Headlining The Day on the Green in Oakland........... I don't think he really remembered that young kid from the Central Valley of California who was in The Sullies that won the Calaveras County Frog Jumping Jubilee battle of the bands........... But I certainly will Never Forget It ! ! !
26) Is it harder to create a song or record it? – Linda They are both not easy.........BUT.........Most of the time, a sketch of a tune can come pretty quickly with rhythms, chords and some wordless vocal chorus melody ideas.............The hard part is........ Sometimes a word-less mumble that I've sung cause words didn't yet matter - can have a tendency to be sung in a first time ever free way that will never happen again.........Until I go back and listen to the sketch I don't realize that it was that good. This is what many musicians call............"The Danger of the Demo"..............I have MANY demos with such moments on them. So- The best one can do is to go into the studio to try and make the master recording better than the demo...........most of the time I do...... but there are times that ....Well It's just one of those things that happens when you're not trying - or looking so hard .....that's when magical accidents can happen............It's kinda all in the process of Making Music and a Love/Hate relationship that one can have with this process.
27) More and more musicians are turning into writers recently, and publishing tales of their immensely interesting lives and careers. I think with all you've experienced in your career, yours would be a pretty interesting and amazing read. Have you ever considered doing an autobiography? – Kim There are no REAL biographies out there on me or the band ...........I have thought about it but I think that everyone's dirty laundry will always kinda just be that..........Dirty Laundry ...........and that's kinda boring to me....... I think every Band is a group of people -Management included, label, roadies, etc.- that "Band" together to try and accomplish something together that would otherwise alone..... not be as possible..........Hence the word "BAND"...........So at that level..........they are kinda all the same. I don't think any band member is free of the neurosis that comes along with the drive to be famous …….. after achieving that fame.............. they discover how fame can do so much for them and to them !!! If nothing else..........Rock History has shown us............ The very thing that "Bands" them together........ Can be the very thing that once successful? ......... Tears them apart.............
28) Have you ever been asked to be a judge on American Idol, and would you? - Maria Yes I have.............Randy Jackson asked me to Guest judge on the show once.......... I simply told him that I don't feel good about sitting in judgment of anyone's honest passion to perform or their talent.........and If someone has a passion to perform......... they should do it no matter what anyone says. I was passed on in the music business many, many times before Herbie {Journey's then Manager} heard my demo and Believed in me..................That was the moment that changed my life and I'm still forever grateful to him for Believing in me. The hardest part is to keep Believing in what you love when others tell you that you are not good at it. So all that Judge business is none of mine to be involved in............ So I won't be judging anyone's talent any time soon.
29) Whenever you tour you do not get to sight see much. If you could go back to any of the places you have been where would you go? - David The first time Journey went to Paris it was in the very beginning of the bands career and for many reasons- it was not a good the whole Paris experience is a bad memory so I would say I'd like to go back to Paris France................I have not been back since and probably need to take a Vacation there..............
30) What was the best pick up line anyone has ever used on you, and did it work? - Laurie Well I can't tell you what it was cause it did work and if I told you then it would be used on me again and could work over and over again..............Cause ..........It was a GOOD ONE................It will have to stay a secret..........
31) I read somewhere a while back that you liked muscle cars. Do you have one now and if so what do you have? - Roy I LOVE CARS!!.............I don't have the room but if I did..........I'd have more..........I saw a Convertible 73 SS Chevelle with a 396 cubic inch engine at a car show this last summer that was ripped to the ground and put back together and perfectly Beautiful. For a moment there I thought .........."I could buy this beauty"..........I asked how much .........he wanted $50,000 but it looked absolutely worth it......I didn't....... The only muscle car I've owned was a 96 SS Impala and I put in a Racing Cam, Turbo, Headers, and new tail pipes {for that sound we love} and man that big ass car would move......It could smoke her big girl tires from a stop for days -NO PROB-
One time Neal and I, after a session for the Trail by Fire CD, were leaving the Lucas Ranch Studio and were following each other to the freeway. As we both were merging on the freeway side by side Neal looked at me and I looked him and he punched his tired black SUV and I laughed as I punched my SS Impala and I pulled away and was home while he was licking his wounds............Yep........I Smoked him..............I sold my SS a year later and now I have a- #*)&^$*#^)!*..................Which is my new Secret Sled.
32) I'm writing from Holland and wanted to know if a song has ever made you cry. - Joland A few years ago I went through a break up and though I knew it had to end, that did not help the pain ........ It was.....and still is at times....... very difficult...........That being said.......One day I was driving and ......The song "Neither One of Us" by Gladys Knight and the Pips.......came on the radio..........The lyric......... "I keep wondering....{wondering}.....What I'm gonna do without ya....{do without ya}.....And I guess you must be.........Wondering that same thing too........So we go on - go on together living our lives {living our lives}..................Because neither one of us........Wants to be the first to say.........Goodbye".......... her amazing voice and the lyric & melody just brought me to tears as I was driving.......... I had to pull over and cry it out before I got back on the highway.
33) A few years back Sting had a very successful collaboration with country artist Toby Keith, as did Bon Jovi did with Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland. Would you ever consider doing a crossover with someone like uber-guitarist Keith Urban? - Kathy I have thought about that many times and do get calls and offers but I have yet to do it.........It still could happen somewhere with someone.
34) I noticed on the Houston 1981 DVD that you played piano briefly during "Who's Crying Now." Do you still play now and are there any other instruments that you play? - Aurora I am really not a pianist.........I can learn a part and {if it's not too difficult} I can play it but a piano player I'm not......... I do have fun with piano when writing but in the midi world I can fix my fingers mistakes and kind of construct the chords on my own terms ....................Though guitar is so very important for the music I love to sing and hear- ...........Much of the music begins with Piano and Voice.
35) Do you feel that "Don't Stop Believin" has become that ultimate song that you always wanted to write? - Antonia I would have to say No.......... Though I am so very happy that it's become one of the most memorable tunes ever..........but........ I still have a special place in my heart for many other tracks that are still so unique and good to this day...........Like........"Ask The Lonely- "Send Her My Love" - "Good Morning Girl" "Sweet and Simple" and I always had a spot in my heart for "Eyes of a Woman"........and from my solo- "Go Away" "Against the Wall" and "Melody".....All of these are every bit as great as DSB......and on their own terms. These could be called Some Great Underdogs.................
36) I have always wondered if you read music or if everything is done by ear? - Gina I don't read music..........I do it by ear............My Mom tried to give me Piano lessons when I was a kid and my piano teacher, Mrs. Bliss, told my Mom I wasn't practicing and it was a waste of her I quit piano 12 I fell in love with the drums and got my first Pearl drum kit ......then in High School I learned how to read drum charts and I liked that a lot but that slowly faded when I became a drummer-singer in an R&B band.........I really didn't need to read music to play drums and sing R&B ........but I will tell you that I certainly wish I did know how to read and especially play that piano NOW.........I've lately been thinking of taking lessons and learning how to do just that....but........I still don't like to practice though.............
37) When you were growing up in Hanford/Lemoore, did you ever attend the Portuguese Festas? (I too was born in Hanford!) - Debbie Yes I did and they were interesting to say the least.............It was like a way for a lost community of Portuguese people to convene in one location and feel unified and all speak Portuguese together. I learned how to speak it when I was a that was a great help...........But I must say I never felt part of the social immigrant hang........It really was a big gossip fest and I wasn't interested in any of that......... I was a loner and preferred hanging with my drums and my record player listening to music all day - everyday..........
38) One thing I have marveled at when watching you perform the same songs over and over is how you are able to do them with the kind of emotion that would seem hard to keep feeling each time. What is it that makes the singing so meaningful to you each time? - Juliana I guess I think that once the lyric and melody is established that the demand to vocally deliver it with as much feeling as possible is what it's about. I came up in an era when the only way to do that was to go inside and get it..............There were NO computer programs to fix or make things happen that you could not do............You had to go in- find it- and BRING IT !! .........Heartfelt music is the result of this reaching is good as a recording tool but if it's used too much as a solution.........Then the emotion in the music can severely suffer.......That is what's happening now........A vocal performance- charged with honest emotion- Has a chance of becoming............. Timeless..........
39) How do you stay so fit? Specifically, do you practice yoga? - Misty FIT? .........oh my - you are being too kind.......I have done Yoga and it really makes me feel great but...... Hiking is my fave thing......... Throwing on my backpack stuffed with lunch and water and hiking long distances to a spot and MACKIN' --- then.......Chill and hike back. My weight does go up and down...........My problem is I want -what I want- when I want it - and as much as I want, too......... That usually means watching Television and snacking like a MO FO........... WRONG!!!!!!.... After Baseball............Snacking is America's second great pastime............
40) Is there a movie you can watch and a song you can listen to over and over again and never get tired of it? - Liis I have watched "Young Frankenstein" more times than I want to admit............It's got such a great cast and some of the greatest lines in a comedy film.......... Musically..........I never get tired of ANY old Motown tunes..........The Funk Brothers grooves ........ Holland Dozier Holland's writing and all those Amazing Artists' Vocal performances ...... SOLD FEELING by the POUND.
41) Which tour was your favorite, and why? - James I would have to say the 1981 Escape tour.................I think Journey was at a point when all 8 cylinders were firing perfectly in sync and we were in a peek moment together as a band......... The Live 1981 Houston DVD confirms that .......... ............At that time, being in it and so close to it........... I now can see It was certainly more Magical than I knew ............
42) Every mom's prayer is that their son will grow up and know that she was, and still is, his biggest fan. Looking back, what lessons did your mom teach you and what disciplines did she instill in your character that helped you reach for your dreams and achieve the life she always wished for you? - Machelle Well just yesterday I was on the phone telling someone how much my Mom believed in me ........... To get a record deal was what you really needed to get into the music biz then and the closer I would get to being signed .............something would happen that would keep it from coming true.............. I came close so many times that I told her.........."Mom it seems like maybe I'm just not supposed to be a singer"............. She always would say............"Well something will come of this, don't give up yet"................ Her support was consistent.......... She also told me when I was 6 years old to get a vision in my mind of what it would look like and feel like being and doing whatever I wanted to be ............So I envisioned being on stage in front of a large audience with bright Cobalt blue lights and deep red ones mixed in......She said that if I did that it would help me achieve my goals................ Well I finally got my stage with Cobalt blue and red lights and an audience, too ..........and they were as Warm and Loving as I envisioned them to be...........
43) We're from Cleveland and were wondering, have you ever been to the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame here in Cleveland? Also, do you have any fond memories to share about how you and Journey rocked Cleveland back in the day? - Barb & Bob No I have not been to the R&R Hall of Fame yet............ I do remember playing Cleveland though.......What a ROCKIN' CROWD.........Most of the time we'd stay at Swing Go's...........What a Rock and Roll Zoo that place was......... There were times that I alone would stay at Stouffer's downtown just to get some sleep......... I will never forget that amazing 2 story indoor arcade downtown. I think it was one of America's first indoor malls.......... It had an arched glass ceiling and tiles on the floor and black rod iron railings with many shops on both levels........ I would always hang there during the day cause it felt so nice ............... I hope it's still there..........It seemed like a real landmark to me............ I must visit it again.
44) If one day you decide not to sing or tour again, would you work behind the scenes like writing songs for other artists or be a producer like David Foster, Quincy Jones etc? - Jas Just to be helpful and for fun- I've been Producing for some musician friends lately and I do enjoy it.........I think I do bring out of them something better than they could find on their own..........Basically that's what a Producer is there to do.......... ..NOW.......To Direct a film would be something I would be into............I love film and the whole process that goes with the making of one..........
45) What skill do you secretly wish you had? - Shiloh I wish I could play baseball..........I mean really play it like the big leaguers do..........They are fearless and seriously talented. But the real talent is how fast they can adjust to quickly changing circumstances............. because the ball is round and the bat is round and it's coming at ya at 95+ with aerodynamic movement so not only is making contact difficult but once contact has been made- Anything can happen and does happen and very quickly........... How fast they react and deliver is amazing to me......... I like me some baseball.
46) Would you consider releasing the catalog (Journey & SP Solo) in one of the new HD surround sound formats like blu-ray? CD quality just isn't good enough anymore after being spoiled by DVD-audio surround. - Mark I think those decisions are up to Sony for they own those performances..........I'm sure Sony is considering that for they are always looking at new ways to re-package stuff............ I would like that too............
47) Thank you for blessing the world with such beautiful and soulful music through the years. As a solo artist, how do you choose the songs that appear on an album out of all the songs you write for it? - James Very tough to do that.............I have a bunch of ideas and all of them have something that I like so how to decide which to record is tough............ The funny thing is the ones that ya didn't think were that hopeful - once in the studio - Magic moments can happen that one could have never anticipated, making them now serious contenders. It's always been a tough thing. The best thing is, if budgets permit, to record as much as possible and decide later. The tunes will show you clearly which ones are in the game.
48) What is your song writing process like? Does it start with a title, a melody, chord changes, or all of the above? - Michael It can start with a groove or a set of chord changes I like, or a melody idea I have running in my head.............Any of these can get it going..........
49) What's Number One on your "bucket list"? Sky Diving.........more than likely in tandem at first............
50) What advice do you have for an aspiring singer regarding the proper care and maintenance of their voice? - Dominic Drink lots of water cause dehydration is very rough on vocal cords................That also means no booze or smoking for they are direct vocal cord dehydrating factors............... When the cords dry out and you keep singing they will become inflamed and permanent problems in their ability to come together evenly can happen. Also ........not talking much on show days...........The sound check will be enough vocal action before a show.....
51) I am a high school art teacher. I think the greatest challenge in the creative process is coming to terms with the end product. I never feel as though my work is as good as it could be. Is this something you struggle with? Have you found a way to get past it? - Janette I can tell you that I have never finished anything that I didn't think could have been better............I know that sounds crazy but there will always be more ideas and possibilities presented.........That's just the way it is............Knowing when to stop is the trick........
52) Your songs that grab me the deepest are the ones with orchestra…violins, etc….Would you consider an album of that style? - Annette I'm attracted to people who do film scores cause I love the emotional accompaniment of it all and how it becomes a total visual and musical moment. I think those kinds of film oriented arrangements with voice........ could be very cool.
53) Are you romantically involved with anyone? My best to you and yours. - Mary Ann I usually don't talk about my personal life......... but ..........At the present time............No ........... There is someone I would like to be romantically involved with but not sure if that's ever going to happen...............It's complicated................Isn't it always?
54) We know your passion for Giants baseball, but do you ever go to 49ers or Chargers football games? - Donna Not a big football fan..........I've tried to get into the game but for the most part ............I only watch the Super Bowl. ..............Of course this year I have a shorter break till baseball starts again due to the fact that I got some October Ball last year and boy did I love that..........Oh I'm sorry!!!!!!.........Did I forget to mention that the San Francisco Giants WON the World Series last year?????????????..........hehehehehehehehe !!!!!!!!!!
55) Are there ever going to be any DVD's of your solo work? - LeDon I have talked to Sony about that but it's kinda strange over there now............the people and the label that once were there are gone now.......
56) Any current song out there which you would like to remake or do a cover of? - Nelia Not at this time..........
57) You are a "California boy" but if you were to move out of state to any where in the US or the world, what would be your favorite 2-3 choices to relocate and why? - Bobby I love New York, Chicago, London, St. Bart's and Italy but one of my fave cities in the whole world is San Francisco ...............Why?............Those are all places that I love to go to cause it feels good to me personally when I'm there ...................... There is one more special place that I really would love to move to live out my life there .............but that one will have to stay a secret.
58) I know you had musically talented parents. Do you think you would have achieved the same degree of success if your parents had not been interested in music? Growing up - I really loved the fact that Mom and Dad were creative people but.........Many well know artists come from parents that were not attracted to the arts in any way so perhaps it really doesn't matter..........It could be about giving yourself the permission to follow your heart.
59) I heard an interview with you where you stated that you had always wanted to be a deejay and I was wondering if you had ever been approached to host your own radio show. - Sherry I love radio.........I think the idea of playing whatever music comes to your mind and talking about it is exciting to me. Perhaps I will be on one of the new satellite stations soon. Don Was just asked me to be on his show so your timing is very good.
60) You look fantastic on all the video clips from SF Giants' games. The fans love it when you sing along as they play Journey songs. Any chance you would consider touring again? - Dana I have received many calls from promoters asking me to go out again.........I have certainly considered doing another solo tour.............I had a blast on the one I did .......... We were in small 3000 seater Theaters all across these United States.........It's was a Rockin'- Funnnnnnn Tour.....................
61) Don't you think you have been away from us, your fans, for long enough? We are faithful and we are waiting! - Debbie Well Debbie..........Uncle Steve ain't no longer a spring chicken ya know?? I'm not sure when or how it will happen...........If it does?.........Being as Faithful as you sound.......I know you'll be there and I will be looking for ya !!!
62) Do you prefer staying home rather than going out in public? If so, do you enjoy doing things at home like mowing the lawn, painting the house, or planting a garden? - Bonnie I'm a garden, planting flowers kind of guy..........It's kind of a pain in the butt to go buy and bring back and dig and plant them but as soon as it's done......... they look beautiful...........then as time goes on .........they become more beautiful day by day ............ Flowers are Joy with interest.
63) I've seen pictures of you at fairs and amusement parks. What's your favorite fair food? I bet its funnel cake! - Cookie I don't eat too much at the parks cause I don't want to Blow Chunks........{if ya know what I mean} ...... I like all the rides and food and rides....... DON'T MIX............
64) Do you have any plans to launch an official website? I know everyone would be on that site in a heartbeat! - Debs I do own one ..........Just haven't built it..........It will come someday..............Just not sure when.
65) Have you ever thought about teaching a music class on a college level? With all your knowledge and wisdom in the field I have a feeling you would be an awesome educator. Well thanks but .........I do what I do by ear.........Music classes are usually based on the knowledge of music theory and mine is not at the teaching level..............I have listening skills that have evolved over the years and have served me well. I do think that a listening class to developed ones musical ear could be worth talking about..........thanks may have given me a new gig opportunity..............
66) I always read or hear about what a nice guy you are. I want to know about the "pain in the ass" side to Steve Perry. lol - Laura Well everybody from time to time gets a bit pissed off about what ever!!! ..........And when I do ........... It ain't pretty that's for sure.......
67) I hope you have an awesome birthday! Do you have any special plans to celebrate? - Karen I usually celebrate by reflecting on my parents and our time we had together. I was told once that they really wanted to have a son and that they were very happy when I was born..............So- .... On my birthday......... I usually reflect on how grateful I am for my parents bringing me into this world.