This website is a tribute to Singer, Songwriter Steve Perry and his amazing career with Journey and as a solo artist.

Steve Perry Answers YOUR Questions!
December 2, 2006
I want to thank all the fans who so quickly sent in over 2000 questions in two days. I tried to get to as many as possible.
I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year.
All the very best to you and yours, Steve Perry
1) Regarding your solo re-issues, from listening to both the new and old CDs, it sounds like there might be new vocals on some of the songs. Some words sound a tiny bit different, or is it just my imagination? Did you actually re-record any of the vocals? By the way, love the new releases! SP: All the vocals are as they were originally on everything. What happened is with today’s new Digital Technology and the very amazing ears of Dave Donnelly, I too heard emotions in the vocals and the tracks that I never heard before. It was a treat for me to re-discover them too.
2) With singles being downloaded from the Internet, are albums becoming a dying breed? Your albums mean a great deal to me. Some of my favorite songs are ones that never made it to the radio. I can't image never hearing “Winds Of March,” “Sweet And Simple” or “Precious Time.” So do you think albums will become obsolete? SP: I think you will be able to get the all the original LP track listings on line for a long, long time but yes, record stores with CDs are disappearing every day.
3) I was 7 years old when I became a fan (23 years ago!). I was too young to be able to go to the concerts then, so I'd like to know if there are plans for more concert material to be released on DVD like the amazing Houston ‘81 show? The one I would most love to see is a complete show from the Raised On Radio tour. SP: To my knowledge, no plans.
4) What makes you laugh/happy/smile? SP: Now that's a great question. I guess I must say many things. Puppies, kittens, sexy chicks, thinkin' about my Dad's humor, my thinking, baseball, South Park, listening to magical performances on their original master tapes, Jimi Hendrix, driving sports cars, Sly and The Family Stone and making a girl laugh with my silliness...... and so much more I can't continue...........
5) Thank you, thank you, thank you! All the re-masters are awesome. I LOVE the Alien Project Demos and the Against The Wall tracks. The sexy and sultry "Can't Stop" has become one of my new favs along with the hauntingly beautiful "One More Time." My question: How long was Alien Project together before disbanding due to the untimely death of the bass guitarist? SP: We were together for a very short time. I'd say 6 months. We were good together.
6) I'm 14 and have been a huge fan of you and your music for a few years now. I tried to think of an original question and came up with this. Do you have a tattoo or have you ever thought about getting one? SP: Great question. I've been thinking about that for the last 8 months. It's something I have yet to do- BUT.....I have a definite idea as to what my first one MUST be. It's very personal and if and when it's done, I'll explain it.
7) Thank you for all of your hard work on the re-mastered CD's. You did something I didn't think was possible--you took your music and made it better---I know it will be remembered and loved for generations to come. My question to you is: How would you liked to be remembered not only as an artist but as person? SP: To tell me that it sounds better has made my day because I always wanted ALL our performances, whether it be Journey or SP solo, to be emotionally charged. I think that was accomplished but back then, they always sounded better in the studio. With Digital technology- if used emotionally- they are as they sounded back when we all accepted them as their definitive versions. As to how I want to be remembered? I can't navigate that but I am doing my best to change and grow emotionally a little every day. That's the only hope for any future way I will be remembered.
8) I am 23 years old and a big fan. Your voice and lyrics were a big help for me when I lost my dad when I was 16. My question is how does it make you feel when someone like me says that your music got them through the death of a parent or loved one? SP: Sorry about you losing your dad. In May of ‘98 Journey and I went our separate ways, and the song "Trial By Fire" helped me navigate a minefield of emotions. Lately the song "Be Good To Yourself" has been helping me. SO- I want to tell you that I feel very pleased that you get strength from the music......... it's what keeps me floatin' too.
9) I recently purchased the re-issue of FTLOSM and I was reminded of your vocal range in the song “Anyway.” Do you have any special rituals that you do when you are warming up your voice for a performance? I am a speech pathologist and I love to hear about things that professional singers do prior to a performance. SP: I do all kinds of things before I sing. Mainly stress on the song and drink coffee then I sing the tune till I can't stand it. Then I go back and see which performance is the definitive one. There are warm ups like singing scales that always help.
10) One of my favorite songs of yours is "Listen To Your Heart" - have you listened to yours lately? What does it say? SP: Very good, personal question. You have no idea where my heart has been lately. Oh my's been to the moon and back. Only a few of my closest friends know exactly what's going on with me. I will tell you that listening to the many, many tracks during the re-mastering just about killed me. I went from how amazing some of them were to total recall memory overload and then to sadness that time has flown emotional involvement in the music to... remembering the struggles and the joys we all had with each other making them. It was a roller coaster ride but a great one.
11) Do you think you will ever be able to release Against The Wall as a full and separate album? SP: It's possible but for now...... the rest of the songs are sprinkled across all my solo work.
12) The previously unreleased song "One More Time" that you added to the re-release of For The Love Of Strange Medicine is absolutely beautiful, your voice soars through it and is one of my favorite vocal performances from you. Thank you for releasing it. It is a gem! My question is what can you tell us about this song? SP: It was written for the FTLOSM CD but at the last moment it was not added. It was a live demo performed to tape. I added the backgrounds later. I wasn’t sure if the vocals were good enough. When I heard it years later I was very pleased. It was a mistake on my part. I'm glad it's there NOW. I LIKE IT, TOO!!
13) If you were never in the music business, what do you think you'd be doing? SP: Making films. I love the film making process. I love Script Writing-Directing- Editing-Scoring-Mixing.........I love it ALL!!... OR .....I'd like to run a "Steve's Snorkel Shack Rentals" on the beach of Hanele Bay.
14) It is wonderful to have some new Steve music to listen to! What was the biggest challenge you faced in working with the Journey catalog and yours as well? SP: The challenge was the Emotional roller coaster it took me on. One day I'd start listening to those tracks and I'd hear them loud and clear and in their sonic glory and then- they'd emotionally mug me. I mean from tears to...... what the F**K's too amazing. I guess time gives one perspective.......that's for sure.
15) I would love to have your music videos from Street Talk and For The Love Of Strange Medicine. Do you have any plans to release them? And my 5 year old daughter would like to know what your favorite food is? She is a huge fan as well. SP: Sony has approached that idea as well..... We’ll see...... Oh that's sweet....Tell your daughter I'm very happy she likes me….and my favorite food is the chicken Caesar salad I get at the Cha Cha Bowl stand (Orlando's Caribbean BBQ) in Centerfield at Pac Bell Park….to me it will always be known as Pac Bell Park (by the time you read this the name will have changed from AT&T Park to ???).
16) I was wondering, along with many others I'm sure, as to what new methods were utilized to make the sound so great on the re-mastered CDs - whether the addition of music tracks, additional musicians, computer programs and the like were used. SP: Nothing like that was done. These are all true, honest performances. We only used the best Analog to Digital converters available plus some old school Analog EQ and Compressors to bring forward the presence of all the instruments and vocals. Some master tapes get very sticky in storage wound tight for 25 years. Some needed to be baked in an oven over night to soften the tape so that when we played it, the oxide wouldn’t peel off leaving a permanent, disastrous result. Missing chunks of audio.... VERY BAD!!! There were possible scary moments but it all worked out great and they now are all digitally re-captured.
17) Thank you for sharing your voice with us. Recently some of your fans were discussing the song "It Won't Be You." Can I ask (if it isn't too personal), what the line "September love, are you there?" meant? It is one of the most beautiful, haunting lines I've ever heard in a song. SP: Well........I love the memories it gives me. I thought "September Love" sounded cinematic. It's kind of a film in itself and for you it means something special and for me it means something special, too. I think that's pretty cool. Thanks for noticing such a small thing but a big one for me too!!
18) I personally feel that “Against The Wall” is one of your strongest solo songs. It captured me from the moment I first heard it. You, Randy and Mike definitely have something that works. SP: Thanks. That was to be the title track of my second solo CD but Sony refused to release the record. Along with Sony there were other forces that wanted me back in Journey and only in Journey. That helped kill this second solo release and the song "Against The Wall" from being aired on the radio. It was not released till years later. Oh well ...better late than never!!
19) I read in an interview that you really enjoyed producing and even mentioned that could be something that you might like to do in the future to help other artists, like you did with Rock ‘N Roll Soldiers. Is this something that you still consider or maybe have been doing? SP: Yea.... I just co-produced, along with their Producer Noha Shain, one track for a punk band named GUFF. They're from Athens Georgia and a very cool band. They re-cut an old Journey track called "I Can See It In Your Eyes." They rocked it seriously. I also enjoyed doing some backing vocals with their lead singer Ash. What fun we had. In two days it was done. Joe Benson from "Off the Record" fame loves it so much he wants to play it on his interview show I recently did. SO- yes I'm not only considering it .......I'm doing it and loving it.
20) After looking at the list of tour dates that were included in the booklets of the recently re-released Journey CDs, how did you ever do it? Those were massive tours. How did you take care of your voice night after night, month after month? SP: I was fortunate. My voice was my friend though it was a very demanding one. I never talked after a show till the sound check at 4PM the next day. Back then, I had a real bad rap in the industry for being inaccessible to the press and promotional people but it was a choice I made. I felt that singing that high especially on that touring schedule would require shutting down the voice and not talking much to anyone. Being inaccessible was the price I paid to have a voice to use when I really needed it, which was when I was in front of all those people who had been waiting to hear us play our music, which they decided was now their music. If I had a chance to do it differently....I'd do it the same.
21) Thank you so much for releasing the re-mastered CD's! They are flawless! Getting them made me feel just like a young girl again! Nearly two years ago, I ended a 20 year marriage, just as my Mom did when I was a teenage girl. During that difficult time in my youth, I found your songs, such as "Mother Father" and "Don't Stop Believin' " had really spoke to me and now I find it ironic that my 17 year old daughter borrowed some of my Steve Perry/Classic Journey CDs. She is a visual arts major and she told me that your music soothes her and yet motivates her imagination to draw! My question...What is your "healing" outlet in it all in your music? SP: Oh girl you sound so very wonderful.... I like the way you talk. Thanks for your tough but great question. It used to be Island vacations now..... it's changed back to creative things and I'm learning to take better care of myself too!! The song by Journey "Be Good To Yourself" is helping me lately. Who would have figured?
22) I have rediscovered your music with Journey, as well as recently discovered your solo projects. I am truly enjoying the transformation and maturity of your style and voice. In an effort to better understand you and your music, here is my question: can you provide three adjectives that you think best describes yourself and three adjectives you think your friends would use to describe you. SP: I think I'm- Honest-Open-Happy. My friends may say I'm- Honest-Funny- Pushy. Editors' note: We say he's Inquisitive-Playful-Perceptive
23) Will you ever have a MySpace account and what do you think of the things your fans talk about on the SP fan message boards? SP: I want to make this very clear, I'm NOT on MySpace- nor have I ever been on MySpace- and If you see someone chatting as me on MySpace or on any fan forums ....IT’S NOT ME!!! I do not visit message boards/forums. Thanks for the opportunity for me to get that one out!!
24) Can you define your desire of how the relationship between you and your fans would be? What is the right balance between a persons passion for your art versus respect for your privacy? SP: Good one. That's tough for I get star struck too, so I think the bottom line is ....If you love the music? Love the music..... but please don't park in front of my house and stalk me. Where's the love in that?
25) I love your voice. You are unique. When was the first time you were aware that you could sing? SP: I was 3 years old when I started singing around the house. Mom couldn't believe it. She told me I'd hit these high screaming notes that would go right through her head. Poor thing, I must have driven her crazy. Later I made a living doing it. I love that!!
26) I want to thank you; your music means so much to me. I got the Journey Greatest Hits CD for my 14th birthday earlier this year, and it was my favorite gift. Music is my favorite thing in the world. I play clarinet, bass clarinet, keyboard, and guitar, I'm an alto in my high schools choir, and I’m also in my school’s marching band and jazz band. My first question is what is your reaction to a whole new generation of kids getting into your music? Also what do you do in your spare time? I like bowling and playing my guitar. SP: I love a lot of the new music your generation’s writing and playing. Do what we did, keep listening to your old school music. Mine was R&B with great singers like- Sam Cooke-Jackie Wilson-Marvin Gaye-Gladys Knight-Aretha Franklin-Jerry Butler-the harmonies of The Four Seasons- the Beach Boys-The Beatles- the Association-Yes- The list is infinite!!! - I love driving my cars on road trips!!!
27) Your powerful lyrics and soothing voice has helped me through many difficult times...thank you. I once read that you were into painting. Are you still doing this and are any on display or for sale? SP: I have two of my favorite paintings of mine on my wall.......the rest are hidden for they're not so good. I'm pretty tough on myself. They are not for sale but that's an idea. Maybe a charity thing. think about that.
28) Are your suits Armani? You always look so handsome in them. SP: You’re too nice. No they are not Armani but they are some of my fave Euro-suits. It's really fun to dress up don't ya think? I like to get dressed up and go downtown for dinner. It's just fun to look nice. It brings something out of ya! I'm about to buy myself another one or two for the Holidays. Thanks
29) At the beginning and end of the previously un-released song "Friends Of Mine" you can hear people talking as if they were at a club or having a meal together. Did you actually have your friends on that recording? SP: Randy Goodrum's studio was too small for that so I recorded many times, myself and Randy talking and laughing about stuff and added real live recorded club conversation background to create the full sound of a live night club. I think it sounds cool.
30) I have heard you sing with a lot of men over the span of your career, but don't recall ever hearing you sing with a woman. If you could choose one female artist to do a duet with, who would it be? SP: I love Sarah McLachlan and Sade. They would be my first two choices. If she was alive- Janis Joplin.
31) I love your voice, your music, and your words. You put your whole heart and soul in every song you sang, be it a power ballad or rock. My question: What type of mood or environment do you need to write such personal and beautiful lyrics? Sometimes a certain song seems so personal and yet it describes so many other people’s experiences in life. As many others have said, we can feel your voice, not just hear it. SP: Thank you so much for your kind words. Anywhere- anytime it can happen. In a car- at home- in the shower- in the middle of the night- waking up- singing into a voice recorder- ANYWHERE!!
32) I absolutely love "Can't Stop." It is one of my favorites on the re-mastered CDs. The female backup singers are amazing. Who are they and what was the inspiration for this awesome song? SP: They were "The Waters." Three girls who sing their asses off. So soulful and so sexy. The song was inspired by a girl I knew. We knew we had chemistry but she had another so we never explored it. So- the song was a fantasy about what would happen if we ever did a little bit of "Hoochie Koo" -Be it ever so slight- what happens if I "Can't Stop."
33) I hope this finds you doing well. Since we are entering into the major holiday season, I was wondering, what's your favorite holiday? I think it's great that you to give us the opportunity to get to know you better with this Q & A session. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. SP: I would say that Christmas would be my first favorite holiday then Thanksgiving. I love Christmas trees all lit up with tinsel. I'm old school on the tinsel. It makes the tree shimmer with the lights. Christmas in Chicago and New York is very fun. Happy Holidays to you and yours, too!!
34) What is the trait you most dislike in yourself? What is the trait you most dislike in others? SP: In me......self condemnation........ and in others.........Saying one thing and doing another. I think that's called ...........Bullshit !
35) I was wondering if you keep in touch or are friends with any other bands that you toured with over the years and also what are your favorite groups or tracks on your ipod today? SP: I regret not taking pictures with or hooking up with all the people we toured with. I mean AC/DC with Bon Scott- Aerosmith- Bryan Adams- ELO-The Stones- Van Halen- Pat Benatar- So many that I can't keep going!! I was on a very vocally demanding tour schedule and didn't hang out much or talk after shows to anyone to rebuild my voice for the next show. I have a 60 Gig ipod and it's PACKED with tons of music from old school R&B to Enya to Zep- The Beatles to- Radio Head- Snow Patrol- The Els- Jelly Fish- and my new fave - MEW- and many more digital love chunks of music.
36) Thank you for many years of beautiful music and your gorgeous voice. We miss you so much. You’re experienced, talented and you make it all look so easy. Having appeared on a million stages around the world, have you ever gotten stage fright? If so, what do you do to overcome it? SP: I always had apprehension before walking on stage. It wasn't for fear of the crowd- It was the unpredictability of voice. You never really know till you open it up as to what you have. A voice is NOT a fret board on a guitar or keys on a piano or sticks in your hands slamming drums........It's an unpredictable human, flesh instrument. Once I would get out there and start singing- it would slowly warm up and at some point, I'd feel it kick in.
37) The booklets for each re-issue are just beautiful and include many photos I've never seen before. You must have spent a lot of time going through the images deciding which ones to use. Was it fun looking back at all those great memories? SP: You have no idea how fun it was. I had never seen MANY of the photos before, so it was as new to me as it is to you. Some pix of Neal and myself were very COOL.
38) Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift with the world!! My first big concert was Journey at the Rose Bowl in '82 and I was never the same again!!! (in a good way!) Anyway, a friend of mine plays in a string quartet and told me that you were at a restaurant they play at and that you requested they play "Adagio For Strings." That piece has always been a favorite of mine. Does it hold a special meaning for you? SP: What a small world. Yes I was there and they were so good. I could not remember the title so I sang the melody and they knew it immediately. I personally feel the arch of my whole life in that piece. It covers all the things that have happened and all that has yet to happen. My fave is one conducted by Leonard Bernstein. Please keep that location a secret between us for I do like going there for the food and your friends Quartet's music...........Pinky swear?.......Pinky swear!
39) Recently, I have had some stressful things going on and needed to do something that would take back to when I had the most fun. For the past couple of weeks I find myself listening to your music every day. It puts me in a nice place, even in the office. So my question is: In stressful times what things would you do to put yourself in a better place? SP: Music in my car- driving anywhere by myself is a good thing for me. Any of my fave tunes will do. Lately I’ve been listening to ALL the re-masters in my car. They sound so good that I get proud of them all over again!! That feels good!!
40) What is your favorite Horse Track in San Diego???? Do you still live in San Diego? SP: Del Mar is my track. I live just a bit north of San Diego where I walk on the beach every morning, coffee in hand on the So. Cal. Coast.... I can't tell ya zactly where for reasons you know.
41) Thank you for all the years of being able to enjoy your voice! 27 and counting!! Recently I was able to get my hands on an Escape LP that you autographed. Made my day believe me had to tell everyone! I was just curious aside from various body parts, what has been the strangest thing you have ever autographed? SP: At a gas station a girl told me to wait, that she really had to get my autograph so I did- then she came out of the bathroom with her panties in her hand. YEP!!!.......The front of her thong was barely big enough to sign!!!!!!!!
42) You have been all over the world - what is in your opinion the most beautiful place on earth, and why? SP: I have two. Any tropical island is amazing to me. The sunrises and sunsets- the water.....Oh love it!! Second- is anywhere on the highest mountain top. I mean really high. It's like heaven to be on a mountain above the clouds.
43) Of all the re-issues, which is your favorite and why? SP: I am nuts about them all but, some of my faves TODAY are- Journeys- Trial By Fire and Raised On Radio and of course all the SP solo re-masters are loaded in my car too. I know it sounds arrogant to dig your own music but, I'm so proud of all of them.......I'M GONNA LOVE THEM!!!!
44) So many bands are reuniting and touring. Do you ever see yourself reuniting with Journey and doing a tour? SP: Since May 8, 1998 we have been officially and legally no longer together. I'm fairly convinced we've gone our separate ways. I also know that nothing will ever take away the magic times and the music we made...... while we were together!
45) In recent pictures I've seen, you look like you've been taking really good care of yourself, really healthy. What have you been doing and do you feel as good as you look. SP: Thank you for that. It's been a personal thing. I've been working through some serious old issues that I never addressed before. {I'd love to tell ya but this is not the place} I knew they were there but I didn't want to confront them. Well I'm feeling better about myself as a result of facing up to these issues and fears. Because of that- I'm now taking better care of myself. Thanks for noticing!
46) When you sang " If You Need Me, Call Me" did you mean it? What's your number? SP: "634-5789-All you got to do is pick up the telephone." Editors' note: 634-5789 is the name of a song. Please don't call!
47) I was wondering how you got involved with the Habitat For Humanity. It must be a great feeling. There was a photo of you helping out on the Internet. Did you enjoy doing that? SP: They were set up right out in front of The Houston Astro's baseball ball park during the White Sox and Astros World Series. So I walked over and said Hi! They gave me a hammer and nails and there you have it.
48) There have been rumors going around saying that you have been in the studio doing some recording. Is this true? Or do you plan to do some recording in the very near future? We miss you so much and can’t wait to hear something new from you. SP: I received many of this same question…..more than any others. I certainly lately have been wanting to record again. Working with all these other groups and especially the GUFF recording has fueled the fire. What I want to say is..... I'm the biggest critic I could ever have to deal with, and that's why I don't pay attention to critics. SO- that being said- I think I'll sneak into a studio down here and see what comes out. At that time, I'll know what I have or not. Thanks for all the years of love and support for me to sing, for in the end......I sing for you!
49) I am really enjoying the beautiful, live version of “Missing You,” one of the bonus tracks on FTLOSM. It brings back great memories of that tour for me as I saw 3 shows. Did you record any of those shows for possible release as a live CD or DVD? SP: No other solo shows were recorded except that ONE song which was recorded off the live mixing board. I hope you enjoyed your 3 live shows.....we had some fun HUH?
50) I’ve heard that a couple of songbooks are coming out in December featuring music you were involved with in Journey and your solo career. Do you have more details on these books and how we can purchase them? I play piano and would love to have these. SP: Yes there will be two songbooks of songs that I have sung Solo and with Journey. There is a piano book and a guitar book. Not sure when Cherry Lane will release them.
51) I’m writing to you from Japan. Do you have any plans to come to Japan for the promotion of the re-issued CDs which are planned to start to sell in December in Japan? We Japanese fans really want you come to visit Japan again!!! SP: Oh my......and I would love to go back to Japan, too. Write Mr. Udo and tell him you want to see me. Maybe he'll call. Thanks alot......... XXOO
52) I spent my summers on Cape Cod living within a Portuguese community, learned a little Portuguese then but forgot most all of it. I was wondering if you speak Portuguese fluently now or when you were younger and if yes do you get an opportunity to use it? SP: Yes I speak Portuguese. At a very young age my grandmother turned to me and said in Portuguese, "You're going to learn to speak Portuguese." I said, “HUH?” She taught me. I have a home demo of a song I wrote and sang for my Mom a year after her passing. I sang it in Portuguese using very endearing Portuguese words that mean more than the exact translation. I know she'd love it.
53) In the future, is there a chance that you will record a Gospel CD? I heard your song "People Get Ready" and it sent chills down my spine to hear you sing that song. SP: I love gospel music. Gospel was the very foundation of the Rock and Roll I grew up with. It's a magic thing when I can get goose bumps when soulful sounds hit my ear. Think about's very cool.
54) Did your mother ever get a chance to see you perform in a big Arena type show? I’m sure she was very proud of you. SP: Oh yes, she did. She got to see us when we were at our very best. The last show she went to was the 4th of July 1982 Rose Bowl show in Pasadena CA. She was treated like a Queen by our crew and she felt very special. I need to thank them for that. I'll tell you something else. When she got there, I hadn't seen her in a while. I was kinda stunned to see how her sickness had progressed. When I was singing "Lights" I started to emotionally fall apart and had great difficulty tucking my emotions back. I got choked up and for a moment my voice faltered. She was getting very sick and it was so sad. It didn't hit me until I was in that moment on stage. I thought I was going to lose it in front of 90,000 people. She so loved the fact that my dream had been realized and at that moment...... I really felt it too.
55) Being a radio lover myself as I know you are--I am curious as to how your feelings regarding satellite radio? SP: I love it. I'm glad we have more choices to listen to music. It's all good when you figure without music- it would all shut down.
56) You mentioned that you aren’t obligated to any record labels any longer. Would you consider putting out a CD on your own and without touring behind it? SP: Perhaps......I have too many options. That's the good news and that's the bad news. Getting into a studio would be my first priority.
57) Do you still ride your motorcycle? SP: I sold the first Harley when my hip crashed only to buy it back from an old friend. Years later he was going through a bad divorce and needed to sell the bike. So I bought it back and did tons of custom stuff to it. I don't ride much but maybe it's- {as Joe Deanda, from our road crew, used to say}, "Time to get some Wind."
58) I read in an interview with you once that you wanted to sing with an orchestra. When you did "When You Love a Woman" and "I Stand Alone," did that satisfy your desire to sing with an orchestra or do you have aspirations of doing something more along the lines of classical music? SP: I went to see Andrea Bocelli last summer. What an emotional, amazing voice. WOW..........he's serious and the orchestra was stunning. I'd like to try something like that sometime.
59) Have you ever been approached to sing the National Anthem for a baseball game? I mean, you do have a World Series voice. SP: Thanks for that but that song is really a serious, demanding song. Everyone plays around with the melody because the original melody, if sung as it was written, is demanding. They make it easy on themselves by changing it. If I ever do sing it, I would want to sing it with all it original melody and majesty that it deserves.
60) Greetings from the beautiful San Joaquin Valley! Having been born and raised here, I am grateful that throughout your career you have never forgotten the Valley: its beauty, its hardworking people, its diverse culture and simple life. What are some of your fondest memories of growing up in the Valley? Did those memories in any way influence your song writing and lyrical content? SP: All my Valley memories are in the music. ALL of them!! The Valley is where my emotions were formed, especially during High School. So much of what I feel about music still feels teenage to my heart. I love the innocence of my teen years and they all happened there, in the San Joaquin Valley.
61) I noticed on the insert of the re-issued of your Greatest says "Keeping the Promise"....exactly what IS he promise? Is that something you can share? SP: I would really like to tell ya but........well I'll tell ya this...... It was a Promise I made to my Mother as she was dying. Out of respect for her and the promise- all I can say is I'm: "Keeping the Promise."
62) In all the times you've worked with other artists who were your favorite to work with? Who inspired you the most? SP: Neal Schon
63) Of all the t-shirts you ever wore, did you have a favorite? Was there one that you wore like I wore my Journey t-shirts….until they were so thread bare you could see thru them and they practically fell off of me? SP: I liked the yellow tiger print shirt I wore on stage. I'd shred them with scissors just right then slip it on. Then came the TAILS......Me love's my TAILS.......... I still have ALL OF THEM!!!
64) If you could be any comic book hero who would it be and why? SP: Superman.....I love to fly. For a while I flew helicopters. I was going for my license but the written test is a serious commitment so I kinda lost interest. The FAA don't play. I still fly with my instructor from time to time whenever I get the itch.
65) I read a long time ago that you were taking lessons to fly a helicopter. Did you get your pilots license and do you fly a helicopter? SP: I automatically and unknowingly answered your question as I was answering the one above............SWEET!!!!!
66) On the credits for 2006 on the CDs for the re-masters / re-issues, your name is not mentioned at all, even as a "creative consultant" or "production collaborator", etc., unlike with the two recent DVD releases. I was wondering why not as you were involved in these, as well as obviously, writing the new liner notes. SP: I was in the credits then .....well.....It was a last minute decision to pull my credits. I was there because of respect for all the musicians and the music we made together, I wanted to simply oversee it......Besides.....Dave Donnelly and his magic Mastering Engineering Ears is the one who made all those original masters sound like they once did- SLAMMINGLY SWEET!!!
67) "Happy To Give" is still my favorite song after all these years. This song just touches my heart still today from the lyric, to the melody, and my favorite vocal performance by you. To me it timeless. Just beautiful. Is there any song that does that for you? SP: That is on my FAVE car CD comp. I think the idea that somewhere there's someone who's just happy to give of themselves and who’s not keeping score as to who gave how much is a beautiful thing I still look for. “Where is that one someone who's happy- Happy to give- Happy to give you Love.”
68) Do you have someone special in your life? What do you look for in a woman? SP: I can't talk about that because it's part of my personal life and I want to have one so I won't........... But a sense of humor in a woman is MANDATORY!! The too serious and angry types........ are not for me.
69) In your 2000 interview with Joe Benson you mentioned you were getting more into racing. In what capacity and has the interest/involvement continued? SP: Kinda fell out of racing and fell into BASEBALL!!! "WEW HEW!!!!" "COME ON BLUE- THAT WAS A STRIKE!!" Me love me some baseball !!!
70) You have created such a beautiful and eclectic body of work over the years. Classics that will transcend time. My question is....if you could place 2 songs in a time capsule (to be opened in 100 years), what 2 songs would you choose and why? SP: Incredible question and tough!.......AH......... I think...........ARRRRRRR .......that's not fair - two ain’t enough...... ARRRRRRRRRR........... OK.............- “Don't Stop Believin'” -Journey- Escape and from SP solo-..... ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR................"Runnin' Alone" from Street Talk.
71) If you could spend an entire day with one person (dead or alive), who would it be? SP: Wow..that's another serious question and a good one too.........My first thought was my Mom and then I thought my Dad but- we had our time together ...............I’d say.....Joseph Campbell.
72) I often wondered how you were able to remember all the words to every song. Have you ever forgotten words while you were singing onstage? SP: Oh yea......."Oh Sherrie" was the only solo hit song Journey played - I had a mental block........Maybe because it wasn't a Journey song and I was on stage singing it with Journey I don't know- but-..... I could not remember the second verse. SO- I put a cheat sheet in front of my monitor so I could look down if I needed to. That's the TRUTH!
73) I´m writing to you from Chile. Many people here know you; some workmates and me listen your CDS at work in the PC; and interchange DVDs to enjoy it at home. After reviewing your pages on the web; I wonder to know if you really like cats; because I saw a photo in which you had a kitty in your arms. I really love cats; and I have one just like yours. SP: As a kid I never liked cats. It started when one tom cat attacked my Beagle. My dog nearly lost her eye. Years of not liking cats flew by and then I met Sherrie. When she and I moved in together it never really dawned on me that, along with her came two cats. At first I didn't do so well with the two cats in the house. So we talked about it many times and then she said, "Love me..... Love my cats"......ARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!........Well they ever so slowly and oh so cleverly won me over. I was hooked. Because of those two cats- I LOVE ALL CATS.......Me LOVE -KITTY- KITTY- KITTYS!!!! MEOW CITY!!!
74) Do you enjoy reading books? If so what are some of the books & authors you like? SP: Boy you got me there. I'm what you might call a bad reader. I really don't read much. It's something I want to do more of but with my multi-track mind, running many things at once, all the time- concentration on a book quickly becomes a "mind wondering on to other thoughts" kind of moment. I don't want you to think I never read but it is a rare thing.
75) Do you watch TV? If so, what are your favorite shows? SP: I don't watch much regular TV. I do watch Baseball, Movies, PBS- stuff like NOVA and FRONTLINE. Especially when it's in HD.
76) I saw a picture of you from last November when you were at a Rolling Stones concert in the Bay Area. Mick’s energy on stage reminds me of you. Are you a Stones fan? How was the show? SP: I have always loved the Stones but never like I did that night. They were so amazing. The band was seriously playing strong and Mick was singing his ass off. I guess you can tell I enjoyed being out in the crowd- Rockin' with the Stones.
77) I was wondering if you get recognized much when you are out these days. If someone does see you, do you mind them talking to you or would you prefer they just admire you from a distance? Thank you for your music-I still listen every day. SP: It happens a lot and I’m totally cool with it. It's nice to meet the people that have been fans for so many years and now their kids are fans. There are many new young fans that have just discovered the music and they too stop me everywhere from, on the street to baseball games. Whether old or young all have a story when they first heard the music or they lost their virginity while a certain Journey or SP solo song was playing. {That's so HOT}
78) Will you marry me? (editors' note: this question was received approximately 999 times). SP: I was told this question came in many times...............If I had enough lifetimes, enough to marry each of you that wants to marry me?..............I'd do it.
79) You seem to really admire Neal Schon and you guys are magic together. Would you consider working with him outside of Journey? SP: Well he is and will always be a guitar genius and we were very good together that's for sure. There are many, many old relationships I would like to go back to but after they've run their course- sometimes only love is left...... without the desire to go back. Neal and I could be in that place.
80) Do you ever wish people would stop asking the same questions? SP: Yes and this Q&A is a refreshing change. It's for the most part a very interesting and fun process doing this- but the same questions {and you know which I mean} keep coming up a lot. Oh well, it's cool..........It's OK if people keep wanting to hear the answers they're looking for.
81) Over the years people have given you gifts, thrown flowers and such while you were on stage. I would love to know what your favorite gift was (that you received from a fan) and what was the occasion? Thank you for all you have given your fans. SP: There are so many which I have received and many I have kept. I still have a handmade quilt that a fan sent me years ago with music notes on it and a FTLOSM red quilt with the tour LOGO hand stitched on it. I have a "South Perry Dr." street sign that was given to me during a show. Now I know they stole it from a part of town but I still have it in my office after 27 years. I guess I dig it. There are many other gifts I've kept and still love.
82) Do you have a favorite vintage car?? I remember you had one you loved but it burned up some time ago the best I can recall! I restore old cars. SP: Since the old car restoring TV shows have been the craze I have wanted to do a classic ride like that. I love how they use today’s tech and chassis and suspensions with brand new Race engines with the old classic body on top. That's the best of both worlds. I have always loved the "67" 396-Chevelle and the "67" GTO. One of those would be worth doing. I do have a car JONES....OH YEA!!!!!!
83) What is your favorite type of stuffing for Turkey? Do you like old-fashioned bread stuffing, or something with sausage or nuts in it? SP: OLD FASHIONED stuffing for me!!! Mom used to make her stuffing from scratch. I mean soaking the oven dried French bread in homemade turkey neck and onion garlic broth. Then putting in olives- pimentos- chopped hard boiled eggs- pan cooked in olive oil- celery and onions with garlic- and mashed all together, then she'd add cumin powder- pepper- salt- allspice- and other stuff I can't remember and the stuffing is what made the Turkey. Oh my I can't believe I remembered all that. The secret was the cumin powder and YES- a pinch of cinnamon. SO DAMN GOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!! ..........MAMA can ya hear me? .....I MISS YA !!!!!
84) If asked, would you be willing to guest star on any TV shows like CSI, CSI: Miami, ER...? SP: I did a cameo that no one caught on a TV show called Roswell a few years ago. I was shopping in a store standing next to the actors as they were doing their thing. You won't see me pretending to be an actor.........that's difficult, serious business. Some are good....... but to be great........ demands dedication.
85) Loving those reissues! I can't help but notice that you reference "the moon" in several of your songs. Just curious as to why it holds such fascination for you. SP: I'll tell you why. Since I was a kid and learned about it in school- I've been fascinated with the Moon. Now when I look at it I say to myself- That's the same moon that everyone who has ever lived has looked at. From our caveman ancestors to religious icons to YOU AND I RIGHT NOW. It's a consistent, available place, which we have all gazed upon........ "Once upon a time." I know Mom and Dad kissed under the moonlight.............. and so have we all.
This or That: Mac or PC- BOTH Coke or Pepsi- COKE cats or dogs- BOTH email or phone call- BOTH tea or coffee- COFFEE boxers or briefs- BOTH LCD or plasma- LCD manual or automatic- AUTOMATIC South Park or Family Guy- SOUTH PARK singing in shower or singing in car- BOTH paper or plastic- Paper in the plastic so it's packed all in one bag that won't break!! innie or outtie- INNIE David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar- DAVID LEE ROTH chocolate or vanilla- CHOCOLATE Starbucks or home-brewed- BOTH Snoopy or Mickey- MICKEY Godiva or See's- SEE'S Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter- ALL THE ABOVE movies or reading- MOVIES sunrise or sunset- BOTH mountains or ocean- BOTH